Do you want to help us improve forms A04 and A05? 

The A-ordning scheme wants to improve the forms A04 and A05 in Altinn. We wish to talk to you who use one of these forms today, so that we can learn from your experiences. 

Important information

Vi har fått tilbakemelding fra et tilstrekkelig antall brukere av A04, og har ikke behov for flere innspill om A04 på nåværende tidspunkt. 

Vi ønsker fortsatt innspill fra deg som bruker A05. Se informasjon om hvordan melde deg på nederst i artikkelen.  

Why do we do this? 

By taking a closer look at what works well and what is difficult, we can create a form more adapted to your needs.

Who are we looking for? 

We are looking for you who either 

  • use the form A04 to submit the a-melding for private individuals who pay salary to people who carry out work in their home or holiday property, or 
  • use the form A05 to submit a-melding for charitable or non-profit organisations 

We are looking for you who are a new user or have used A04 or A05 for a while. 

How do we collect your suggestions? 

Initially, we wish to talk to you and gain insight into your experiences with the form. You do not need to prepare anything. 

We can meet digitally or by phone and the meeting will last for about one hour. 


Sign up 

You sign up by e-mailing [email protected] with information about  

  • your name 
  • phone number 
  • the e-mail address you want us to contact you on 
  • whether you use form A04 or form A05 

We look forward to hearing from you!