Pay the one-off registration tax

This is where you log in, find your vehicle, and calculate the one-off registration and scrap deposit tax you’ll have to pay.

If your vehicle has never been registered in Norway, you must first get it approved at one of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration’s Driver and Vehicle Licensing offices. Once this has been done, you can either pay the tax directly from the website or via your online bank.

If your vehicle was previously registered in Norway and sold abroad with a tax refund on export, log in here, calculate and pay the new tax.

Important information

From and including 1 June 2023, our online payment supplier will charge a fee for the service when the payment is made with a corporate card.

For VISA debit and Mastercard debit, the cost is 1.39% and 2.64% of the amount paid, respectively.

Important information

When you log in and pay the one-off registration tax, you’ll be considered the declarer of the vehicle. This means that you’re the one who’s responsible for the one-off registration tax.

Any person who wants to use the Tax Administration’s payment solution on behalf of an enterprise must have the relevant rights in Altinn.

Checking rights

It is possible to check who has which rights both in your own profile in Altinn and in the Tax Administration’s self-service solution.

Allocating rights

Rights must be allocated by someone in the enterprise with signing rights in Altinn.

You can see previously paid one-off registration taxes/registration transfer fees and download a receipt (reconciliation report).

Please note that you will not find receipts for taxes/fees that you’ve paid at the bank or via online banking. You’ll only find payments that are made directly on our website and paid with VISA or BankAxess.

Log in:

If you use the Autosys service for dealers and need to use the payment service, we recommend that you log in through the Autosys service for dealers.

User guide (in Norwegian only):

Brukerveiledning for Skatteetatens betalingsløsning via Autosys Kjøretøy Bransjeløsning (PDF)