List of approved organisations for donation deductions

You can claim deductions for donations to certain voluntary organisations and religious and belief-based communities which have been approved in advance by the Norwegian Tax Administration. The list below contains the foreign organisations that are covered by the donation deductions scheme.

Navn på organisasjonen Hovedkontor
Danmarks Unge Katolikker København Danmark
Ronald Mcdonald Charities Latvija Riga, Latvia 
Skandinaviska Turistkyrkan Stockholm, Sverige
The Nature Conservancy Berlin, Tyskland
Foundation Serca Dla Maluszka Bielsko-Biala, Polen
Promissio Aarhus, Danmark 
Samband íslenskra kristniboðsfélaga Reykjavik, Island
Barkot Children of Ethiopia Foundation Zabrze, Polen
Vereinte Kirche Gottes E.V  Bonn, Tyskland 

See list of approved Norwegian voluntary organisations.

More info on donation deductions.

See how you can apply for approval of organisations.