We will interact with businesses and individuals in a way that makes it easier to do what is right and harder to make mistakes
To ensure compliance and correct tax, it is crucial that our users find that it is easy to do the right thing from the start. We will make sure businesses and individuals have what they need, where they need it. Our services will centre around our users’ needs and be included as a part of other services our users deal with. This will contribute to maintaining a high level of trust in the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Through more active communication and better interaction with our users, we will make it easier for individuals and businesses to understand their rights and obligations and to have an overview of their own information.
The users will experience the Norwegian Tax Administration as predictable. They will largely serve themselves, but when they need help, they will meet a solution-oriented and efficient administration that seeks to solve matters at first contact.
We will make sweeping changes in our approach to collection. This work will affect the entire Tax Administration and facilitate new forms of dialogue with our users, new working methods and system adaptations. When developing new services beyond collection, we will be particularly attentive towards the needs of businesses. Our ambition is to be present in businesses’ own processes and systems.
At the same time as making it easier to do the right thing, it will also be more difficult to make mistakes. We will achieve this by integrating compliance in our systems, influencing behaviour and conducting accurate audits. We will motivate our users to make the right choices and we will identify mistakes and evasions.
We will strengthen our knowledge of how we influence users to do what is right. We will know how to build cohesive services and support life events that affect taxation and compliance. We will understand how changes around us, such as new business models and the work with the UN’s sustainable development goals, affect businesses and society. We will have sufficient expertise to be able to address developments that affect tax revenues and the public’s trust in the Norwegian Tax Administration, so that we can start the process of change early enough.