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Innsyn i vedtak om tildelt tilskudd
Kompensasjonsordningen for næringslivet gir foretak med stort omsetningsfall som følge av virusutbruddet en økonomisk kompensasjon. Målet er at næringslivet i størst mulig grad unngår konkurser og kommer seg raskere opp igjen når krisen er over.
I oversikten fremgår vedtakene om tildelt tilskudd. Vedtak vil kunne bli endret både som følge av kontroller eller nye opplysninger fra søker. Det vil være det til en hver tid gjeldende vedtaket som vil fremgå av oversikten.
Information from the Business Compensation Scheme is made available pursuant to section 4-1 (1) of the Regulations concerning the supplementation and implementation of the Act relating to the temporary subsidy scheme for enterprises with a large drop in revenue (in Norwegian only).
You can search all the information types in the table. The entire dataset, or parts of the dataset, can be downloaded in the formats CSV and JSON by using the function “export as”.
Case number |
Case number, reference from the Tax Administration’s case processing system. |
Name of the applicant |
The name of the enterprise granted a subsidy. |
Organisation number |
The enterprise's organisation number from the Register of Legal Entities. |
County |
The enterprise’s place of business, stated by county. |
Industry code |
The enterprise's industry code from the Register of Legal Entities. |
Grant date |
The date for the decision relating to the granted subsidy |
Total unavoidable fixed costs |
The total unavoidable fixed costs related to the enterprise’s activity in the subsidy-month. The included costs are specified in more detail. |
Actual revenue for the period |
Income from the sale of goods that have been supplied and services that have been rendered in the subsidy-month. |
Turnover in the corresponding period in 2019 |
Income from the sale of goods that have been supplied and services that have been rendered in 2019 in the corresponding month to the subsidy-month. |
Adjustment factor |
For enterprises that are considered closed by the state in the subsidy-month, the adjustment factor is 90 percent. For everyone else, it is 80 percent. |
Opplysninger om tildelt tilskudd oppdateres daglig. Vi oppdaterer ikke i helger og på helligdager.
Month | Total subsidies | Total number of receivers |
mars 2020 | 1514851385 | 24977 |
april 2020 | 1924414502 | 24460 |
mai 2020 | 1325003124 | 11362 |
juni 2020 | 807744271 | 6430 |
juli 2020 | 493797862 | 4593 |
august 2020 | 423185740 | 4783 |