Dekor lav

Help and contact information

We are happy to help if you have questions.

Go to to find answers

Many people are asking us about the following:


If you have any questions that you cannot find the answers to here at, you can call us on

800 80 000

Then press 2 – 3 – 1

If you are calling from abroad, call +47 22 07 70 00.

Phone opening hours

Ordinary opening hours: 09:00 to 15:00 on weekdays.

Application status

We cannot say exactly when your application will be processed. You will receive a notification from the Norwegian Tax Administration in the enterprise’s Altinn inbox.

Most applications are processed automatically. In that case, you will receive a reply within minutes. If we have to process the application manually, it will take longer – but we will try to reply to you as soon as possible.

Send us tips about misuse

If you suspect misuse of the subsidy scheme, you can send a tip to the Tax Administration