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Samfunnsoppdrag og strategi
I Skatteetaten jobber litt over 7 000 ansatte mot samme mål; å sikre finansieringen av velferdssamfunnet.
Skatteetaten er underlagt Finansdepartementet, og har ansvaret for et oppdatert folkeregister og at skatter og avgifter blir fastsatt og innbetalt på riktig måte.
Social mandate
The Norwegian Tax Administration ensures the financing of our public services
All taxpayers and declarants comply with the rules relating to taxes and duties.
The Norwegian Tax Administration ensures users access to register data and high-quality information
We instil and maintain the public’s trust in the Norwegian Tax Administration.
The Norwegian Tax Administration’s strategy sets the direction for the administration’s development in the coming years.
It’s based on our social mandate and sets out how we can fulfil this in the years to come, in a world characterised by rapid changes and complexity.