Rate for:

Normal interest rate for the taxation of low-cost loans from an employer

The benefit of a low-interest loan within an employment relationship is currently taxed using a normal interest rate which is set by the Directorate of Taxes, six times a year.

Period  Rate
January and February 2025 5.3 percent
March and April 2025 5.3 percent
May and June 2025  
July and August 2025  
September and October 2025  
November and December 2025  


The normal interest rate is determined on the basis of a base rate. The base rate is determined by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway on the basis of a sample of prices for mortgages from the Finance portal. The sample is based on a standard annuity mortgage of NOK 1,500,000, within a 50 percent confidence interval with a repayment period of 30 years and a borrower aged 45, and covering a nationwide market area. The mean is calculated based on the five best offers with nationwide market areas and without any special requirements regarding professional affiliation or membership. The mean is calculated to three decimal places. The base rent is determined before the end of the tenth day after the observation period. The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway publishes the base rate on its website.

The normal interest rate is determined by no later than the 12 days after the end of the observation period for determining the base rent and is equal to the determined base rate minus 0.15 percentage points, rounded to the nearest 0.1 percentage point. The normal interest rate will only be changed if, after the deduction of 0.15 percentage points but before rounding, the base rate indicates a change of at least 0.1 percentage points compared with the current normal interest rate.