Business and organisation

The deadline for submitting the tax return was 31 May

If you have applied for an extended deadline, the deadline is 30 June.

If you have not yet submitted, you must submit your tax return as soon as possible to avoid an enforcement fine

Deadlines for businesses

Here are the most important deadlines for you as a business owner.

You can also log in to see a calendar customized for your business. This will give you an overview of the deadlines, tasks, and requirements your business has.

Skatteetatens tjenester flyttes fra Altinn til Skatteetaten

Vi flytter våre tjenester fra Altinn til Skatteetaten. Tjenestene kommer i ny utgave innen 2026, og alle som bruker Skatteetatens tjenester vil bli påvirket av flyttingen.

Se hvordan dette påvirker sluttbrukersystemer og deg som næringsdrivende