My page
On My page, you’ll find information about yourself and your taxes. You’ll also find your inbox containing notifications, letters and invoices from us.
You may also log in to My page for businesses if you have a role or permission registered with Altinn or the Brønnøysund Register Centre. Here you’ll find deadlines, tasks and claims that your business may have.
On My page for persons, you’ll find:
- Your contact information and information about you that is registered in the National Population Register
- Information about your taxes, among other things, your tax deduction card, tax return and tax assessment
- The bank account number you’ve registered with us
- Your inbox containing invoices, notifications and letters from the Tax Administration and the National Population Register
On My page for businesses, you’ll find:
- Contact information and key information about your business
- Deadlines and tasks for your business
- Reminders about taxes and duties your business is obliged to pay
- A history of payments to and from your business and the Tax Administration
You may also update a lot of the information we have about you and your business on My page.