Case processing time

When you submit an application or request, we’ll process it as soon as possible. The case processing time may vary.

Here you can see the expected processing time.

We’ll send the reply in Altinn – remember to check there

We’ll send the reply in Altinn. If you’ve waited longer than the case processing time specified below, it’s a good idea to check if you’ve already received an answer.

You can find both your Altinn inbox and information about some of your cases by logging in to My page.


Private individuals and self-employed persons

Automatic approvals: Immediately
Manual approvals: 10 days

Private limited liability companies and other types of companies

Manual approvals: 5 to 10 days

When your case has been processed, you’ll receive a notification via email.

Applications for the tax deduction cards for foreign workers often take more time. This is partly due to the worker needing to undergo an ID check.


The tax return is sent out on different days throughout March. We’ll send you an email or text message when yours is ready to be checked. The deadline for submitting your tax return is 30 April.

After your tax return has been submitted, the Tax Administration will process it. When your tax return has been processed, you’ll receive a tax assessment notice. The tax assessment notice states how much money you’ll receive (tax refund) or how much you still have to pay (underpaid tax). The case processing time varies.

Most people receive their tax assessment notice in June. Some receive it earlier, while others receive it between August and November Unfortunately, we cannot give you a specific date for when you’ll receive your tax assessment notice. You’ll be notified.

The case processing time varies, but cases are normally be processed within 3 months.

The tax assessment notice will be sent by post.

If we do not have all the information we need, we must ask for more information and documentation. This means the case will take longer to process.

The tax assessment notice will be sent by post.


If we do not have all the information we need, we must ask for more information and documentation. This means the case will take longer to process.

The tax assessment notice will be sent by post.


If you find any errors or anything missing from the tax return after the tax assessment is ready, you can change the tax return yourself, going back three years. If you go back further than three years, you must appeal our decision.


The refunded amount will be paid to the bank account registered with the Tax Administration.

You can check which bank account is registered with us by logging in to My page.



Automatic processing: Immediately
Manual processing: 4 - 5 weeks

If your case is automatically approved, the certificate of no impediment to marriage will immediately be sent to both of you in Altinn. If you’ve opted out of digital communication, you will receive it in the post.

If the case must be processed manually, it will take a little longer. If we lack information, you’ll receive a letter regarding this.

If foreign documentation has been sent to us for an authenticity check, the case processing time may be longer. See return of original documents 

When your case has been processed, the marriage certificate will be sent to the County Governor or UD to be endorsed with an apostille or legalised. You’ll receive a letter from us when we have done this.  


Solemnisation in accordance with Norwegian law (2 weeks)

The processing time starts when we have received the marriage notification from your wedding official. We’ll send a confirmation of registered solemnisation to you in Altinn.

If anything is missing in the marriage notification, the wedding official and/or you will receive a letter from us concerning this.

Solemnisation in accordance with foreign law (7 weeks)

If you have submitted original documents as documentation of foreign solemnisation, they will be checked before they are returned to you. The case processing time for solemnisation in accordance with foreign law includes the case processing time for authenticy chedk and the return of original documents.

Parents, children, name, and national identity number

We’ll register the paternity in the National Population Register when the child is born and has been allocated a national identity number.

In some cases, you’ll receive a confirmation, but in many cases, paternity will be confirmed when the chosen name is registered. Then you’ll not receive a separate confirmation of paternity.

If there is anything missing from the declaration of paternity, we’ll contact you.

If you want to check that the paternity is registered, you can log in to
My page.

We’ll send you a confirmation if the parental responsibility is changed based on an agreement of parental responsibility between the parents.

We do not send a confirmation if the parental responsibility is changed based on a judgement or a decision made by UDI.

If we lack documentation, we’ll contact you.

Automatic processing: Immediately
Manual processing: 3 weeks

For automatically processed cases, the child’s name will be registered immediately. Cases that need to be considered by a case worker may take up to 3 weeks.

You’ll receive a confirmation in your Altinn inbox when the child’s name and national identity number are registered.

Automatic processing: Immediately
Manual processing: 4 weeks

For automatically processed cases, the name change will be registered immediately. Cases that need to be considered by a case worker may take up to 4 weeks.

When your new name is registered, you’ll receive a confirmation in your Altinn inbox.

To get a status update and ask other questions about the case you must contact the passport authority, for example the embassy where you submitted the application for a Norwegian passport.

When we have assigned a national identity number, we’ll notify the passport authorities. We do not send confirmation directly to parents.


Automatic processing: Immediately
Manual processing: 6 weeks

If your case is automatically approved, your new address will be registered immediately after the moving date.

If the case must be processed manually, it will take a little longer.

When your new address is registered, you’ll receive a confirmation in your Altinn inbox.

If you have submitted the required information, we can process the case quickly. You can read more about what documentation we need in the guide Notification of moving to Norway.

If we do not have all the information we need, we must ask for more information and documentation. This prolongs the case processing time. We’ll let you know if we need anything from you.

You’ll receive a reply to the application by post. In some cases, if you already have a national identity number and have an online ID, you’ll receive the letter in Altinn.

Please note that the case processing time may be longer in some cases.

If the date of the move is in the future, the notification will not be processed until the moving date has been reached. The processing time is calculated from the moving date.


Scrapping, disposal facilities and certificates of destruction: 2 weeks

Weight-based motor vehicle tax and daily tax rate: 2 weeks

Automatic approvals: Immediately
Manual approvals: 3 weeks

You’ll receive a reply to the application in the enterprise’s Altinn inbox. This will usually only take a few minutes, but on some occasions, we’ll need more information. In those cases, it can take up to 3 weeks before you receive a reply.

When you’ve sent the application, you’ll get a receipt in Altinn. Your application to be registered for excise duties must be approved before you start your activity.

Payments and refunds

Automatic approvals: Immediately
Manual approvals: 2 - 4 weeks

If your application is automatically approved, your account will be registered immediately. If the case must be processed manually, it will take a little longer.

Legal clarifications

The case processing time for binding advance rulings is 4 weeks when we have all the necessary information and the court fee has been paid.



Digital printouts are sent to your Altinn inbox.

We will send printouts and certificates to the address registered for you in the National Population Register. You must also allow for postal delivery time.

If you have submitted original foreign documents, these will be checked before we return them to you.

Certificates of marital status in connection with verification of the conditions for marriage will not be returned.

We will return the documents to the address registered in the National Population Register. If the registered address is incorrect, the documents will be returned to us, and we will retain them until you send a new request to have them returned. If you do not request the documents within one year, the documents will be destroyed.

We recommend that you log in to My page and make sure that you are registered with the correct residential address or a postal address if this is not the same as the residential address.

Remember that you can retrieve your tax return and tax assessment notice on My page.

For companies: Up to 4 weeks
Private individuals and sole proprietorships: 4 to 6 weeks

The certificate will be sent to you by post.

You can print the enterprise’s account statement as an Excel file from “Claims and payments” on My page.

Application for disclosure of information about oneself and others from the National Population Register: Up to 8 weeks

The case processing time applies from the moment we receive your application, and you’ll receive the answer in your Altinn inbox. Answers to addresses abroad are sent in the post, and you must also allow for postal delivery time.

Apply for access to information in the National Population Register via rights packages: Up to 2 weeks

You’ll get the answer via Altinn. Read more about rights packages in connection with information registered in the National Population Register.

Other cases

We process many different cases, including cases not mentioned in the list above. We receive many enquiries, and therefore it may take some time to receive an answer from us. You call us us if you think it has been far too long without an answer.