Give others access to your tax affairs

For example, you can give others access to your tax return, tax deduction card and tax assessment.

You decide who you want to grant access to

For example, you can delegate to

  • private individuals
  • auditors
  • accounting offices
  • consultancy firms

How to grant access

Who would you like to grant access to?


It’s important to only grant access to people you trust. The person you grant the access to, may change and submit the tax return on your behalf. They will have access until you remove it.

  1. Have the name and national identity number ready for the person you want to grant access to.
  2. Log in and follow the instructions:

This is what you grant access to

The person you give permission to can:

  • order, view and change your tax deduction card and advance tax
  • order and divide an exemption card
  • view, edit or submit your tax return
  • apply for an extension to the deadline for submitting the tax return
  • change the account number for payment of tax refunds
  • view your tax assessment
  • appeal your tax assessment
  • view, apply or appeal payments or collections
  • view and change information about yourself that affect your taxes, such as the duration of any stays in Norway, working periods, PAYE (Pay As You Earn) for foreign workers, withholding tax on pensions, information about family relationships, etc.

You can grant your professional adviser access in the same way as a private individual, but you can also provide access via Altinn. In Altinn, you can either grant access directly to the adviser or to the enterprise where the adviser works. Talk to your adviser and find out what he or she prefers.

  1. Log in to Altinn and select “profile” at the top of the main menu.
  2. Select “Others with rights to forms and services”.
  3. Select "Add new person or organization”.
  4. Enter the national identity number and last name, or enter the organisation number and name.
  5. Click on “Also has these roles”.
  6. Click on “+ Add new role”.
  7. Find and click on “Private tax affairs” in the list.
  8. Then click on ”Done”.

See also help and guidance Contact Altinn if you`re stuck or have any questions.

Applies immediately

The person who has been given rights, will be sent an e-mail.

The delegation will be valid from and including the date the roles are delegated and until the role is deleted.