Paying child maintenance and other maintenance payments
Pay child maintenance, extraordinary payments, maintenance for children aged 18 years, incorrectly paid advance maintenance, maintenance payment to a former spouse and other claims related to maintenance payments.
Bank account number
Use account number 8276 01 00435.
It’s important that you use the account number stated above when paying child maintenance, maintenance to a former spouse and claims related to these.
If we’re handling the collection process and you nevertheless pay directly to the maintenance recipient, you can be ordered to repeat the maintenance payment to us.
You must always use the KID number stated on the invoice. Enter the complete KID number. If there is a hyphen at the end of the KID-number, you must enter that too.
If you cannot pay using a KID number, you must enter the case number or your national identity number when making payments to us.
Payment deadline
The payment deadline for maintenance payments and incorrectly paid advance maintenance payments is the 25th of every month. You must pay within the deadline, even if you’ve not received a monthly invoice.
You must still pay even if you disagree with the decision and may have sent an appeal, unless you’ve received other information from NAV.
Account number – for all payments except payments to our US bank account
Child maintenance, maintenance to a former spouse and claims related to these:
IBAN: NO 88 8276 01 01636
Bank: DnB Bank ASA, N-0021 Oslo
Payment of other NAV claims and giros related to NAV:
IBAN: NO 90 8276 03 00256
Bank: DnB Bank ASA, N-0021 Oslo
Identifying the payment
If you’re paying from abroad (via IBAN/SWIFT), you must identify your payment with your Norwegian National Identity Number / D number or with your case number at The Collection Agency for Child Support and Overpaid Benefits.
Please contact The Collection Agency for Child Support and Overpaid Benefits if you’re not sure how to identify your payment from abroad.
Payment in foreign currency and fees
Please note that our accounts are kept in Norwegian kroner (NOK). If you’re not sure about currency conversion, please contact your bank. We recommend that you pay in Norwegian kroner to ensure payment of the correct amount.
Banks may require a fee for foreign bank transfers. You must cover any fees resulting from bank transfers yourself.
ACH Payments:
Account Number: 5614 12 68001
ABA: 021000018
Bank transfers within the USA:
1. If you’re transferring USD within the USA, you can use our US bank account:It’s important that you include all the information when making a payment. |
Intermediary Bank: BNY Mellon ABA: 021000018 Beneficiary Bank: DnB Bank ASA Account Number: 8026001499 Beneficiary: Skatteetaten Account Number: 14268001 |
2. If you’re transferring USD within the USA and cannot use Intermediary Bank: |
It’s important that you include all the information when making a payment. Beneficiary Bank: BNY Mellon ABA: 021000018 Beneficiary: DnB Bank ASA Account Number: 8026001499 Info to Beneficiary: Payment details such as Invoice Number as required by ultimate Beneficiary. |
Internasjonale bankoverføringer:
Transfer of USD to US bank account from country outside the USA.
It’s important that all the information is included when making a payment. IBAN is not used in connection with US bank accounts.
Intermediary Bank:
BNY Mellon
101 Barclay Street,
New York, NY 10286
Beneficiary Bank:
200 Park Avenue, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10166-0396
Grubeveien 4
Sor-Varanger 9917 Norway
Account Number: 14268001
Payment by check in the USA:
If you’re paying by check, you can use the following address:
Lock Box Payment Information:
DEPT 3623
PO BOX 123623
DALLAS TX 75312-3623
Overnight Address:
Box 893623
You must always pay within the deadline to avoid reminder fees. If you get a reminder on overdue payment, you must pay both the reminder fee and the new invoice. The claim will be collected via enforcement proceedings if you do not pay.
The payment of fixed-term giros and e-invoices on time is your responsibility – also when you’re travelling. It’s also your responsibility to get the payment information if you did not receive an invoice.
Are you unable to pay the entire claim?
If you have problems paying, you can apply for a payment agreement.