Power of attorney related to maintenance claims and overpaid benefits
You can grant a power of attorney to third parties in connection with maintenance claims and overpaid benefits from NAV, HELFO (the Norwegian Health Economics Administration) and the Guarantee Fund for Fishermen (Garantikassen for fiskere).
If you’re unable to submit the power of attorney via Altinn.no, you can send your own power of attorney by post to:
The Collection Agency for Child Support and Overpaid Benefits
9917 Kirkenes
You can grant a power of attorney to third parties, so that they can receive and give information on your behalf, enter agreements on your behalf, and represent you legally in cases regarding the Collection Agency for Child Support and Overpaid Benefits.
This is important when granting a power of attorney
The power of attorney must
- clearly state to whom you’re granting it to
- describe what it applies to and whether there are any limitations
- state its duration
- be signed by you