Who can employers contact for more information?
To receive information on:
- reporting obligations for employees hired or terminated
The Tax administration
To receive information on:
- employee’s national ID number
- obligation to pay employer’s contribution
- obligation to submit salary information
- own tax relationship as employer
- the assignment is a part of business activities
- contractor is registered in the VAT register
- submission of an a-melding and message on salaried work in the home
- duty to withhold tax
- calculating withholding tax deductions and employer’s contributions
- payment of withholding tax and employer’s contributions
account number for paying in tax etc.
The Norwegian Consumer Council
There is an office of The Norwegian Consumer Council in every county. These offices can provide you with information and brochures on consumer rights including on contractual relationships with companies. The offices can help consumers to make complaints and claims when they have not managed to reach agreement with those who have supplied products or services.