How to enter the taxable value of your own home (primary dwelling) in the tax return

If you own a residential property as of 31 December in the income year, it must be specified in your tax return. Check your tax return to make sure that the pre-completed property information is correct.

In most cases, the taxable value will be pre-completed in the tax return based on information that has been reported previously concerning the property.

Information concerning primary area, year of construction, etc. may be defective or incorrect in the following cases:

  • when information has not previously been submitted concerning the property, e.g. because the property was erected during the year.
  • when information that has been submitted concerning the property must be corrected, for instance because the property’s primary area increased or decreased during the year due to an extension, demolition, fire, etc. .

If the taxable value does not appear in your tax return or if the information on the residential property is not correct, you must enter the information yourself or correct the information on the property or request documentation of the market value.

If any information is missing, you must enter it in the tax return. You will find this  information under the topic “Housing and property”.

Check to see whether the pre-filled information is correct. Once all the fields have been completed, the taxable value is calculated automatically.

Use our housing calculator to calculate the taxable value. 

Log in, check and submit your tax return:

Open your tax return