Tax calculator
The tax calculator can help you see how much tax you must pay based on the figures you enter yourself.
You do not need to log in.
Were you in fact looking for your tax deduction card?
To adjust how much tax you actually have to pay, you must change your tax deduction card. It’s also important that you update your tax deduction card when something changes in your personal finances.
You can also check what information your employer has sent us.
The calculator for 2025 will be ready in February
You can still use the tax calculator for 2025 and earlier years.
You may end up paying more or less in tax than what the calculator has estimated.
- if you pay taxes abroad
- tax calculated according to the rules for PAYE (Pay As You Earn) for foreign employees for the years prior to 2024
- a lower net wealth tax rate when residing in Bø in Vesterålen