Rate for:

National Insurance contributions

National insurance contributions help to finance the National Insurance scheme. National insurance contributions are also calculated on personal income.

Salary income, sickness benefit, etc. (persons aged 17 to 69) 8.2%
Salary and business income, pensions (persons aged under 17 or over 69) 5.1%
Primary business income within fishing/hunting or childminding* 8.2%
Other business income 11.4%
Pension income, etc. 5.1% 
Lower limit in personal income/basis for calculating national insurance contributions NOK 54,650
The contributions must never amount to more than 25% of the proportion of the personal income/basis which exceeds NOK 54,650

* Self-employed persons within fishing, hunting or childminding in own home (children under 12 years of age or with special care needs) pay 8.2% national insurance contributions on their business income.

The lower national insurance contribution rate for fishing, hunting and childminding in own home is linked to the the fact that these industries pay a product tax, which is partly intended to cover the difference between 8.2% and 11.4% national insurance contributions.