Important information

Det du ser på denne siden er en test-versjon. Denne er under arbeid, og testes og kvalitetssikres nå internt i Skatteetaten.

Important information

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Mine personopplysninger

Du har rett til innsyn i de personopplysningene vi har registrert om deg. Du har rett til å vite hva de brukes til, hvor de er hentet fra og hvem de utleveres til.

Det finnes flere unntak fra innsynsretten. For eksempel gis du ikke innsyn i opplysninger som kan avsløre kontroll eller kontrollmetodikk og det utleveres ikke taushetsbelagte opplysninger om andre.

Opplysninger du selv kan logge inn for å se

Log in:

My page

Du får informasjon om:

    • Name
    • National identity number
    • Residential address
    • Postal address if you have one (present address if you have a D number)
    • Registration of Sami language proficiency, if applicable

    • Employer(s) who have obtained your tax card.
    •  Information your employer has sent us.

    • The tax deduction card – what your employer deducts from your salary
    • The tax return – a total overview of your income, deductions, wealth and debt
    • The tax assessment – the result of your assessed tax return, where you can see whether you’ll receive a refund because you’ve paid too much tax or if you’ve paid too little tax and must pay back what you owe (underpaid tax).
    • Accesses – you may give others access to view or make changes related to your tax matters
    • Claims and payments that show an overview of all the claims (going back four years) between the Tax Administration and yourself. If you have underpaid tax or if you receive a refund, the amount will appear in the overview of claims.

If you would like to learn more about:

  • what personal data the Tax Administration processes
  • what the personal data is used for
  • where we obtain the personal data
  • who we can share the personal data with

Personal data you can request access to

You have the right to get a copy of all the personal data that we process about you. You also have the right, for example, to know what the personal data is used for, where it is taken from and who it is disclosed to. If there are particular areas/personal data or years you wish access to that you cannot find in any of the log in solutions, please specify what you want access to, and send us an enquiry. 

How to request access to personal data about yourself

When we give you access to your own personal data, we must be certain that we provide information to the correct person. You must therefore either:

  • log in and submit a request about what you want access to, or
  • send us a letter with a description of what you want access to: Skatteetaten, Postboks 3200 Grønland, 0134 Oslo

You’ll receive a reply from us either in your Altinn inbox or, if you have reserved yourself against electronic communication, to your registered postal address.

Case processing time

Our deadline to reply to a request pursuant to the Personal Data Act is 1 month, but this may in some cases be extended by up to 2 months. If it’s necessary to extend the deadline, we’ll let you know.