Search the tax lists
Here you can search the tax lists for persons and businesses for the 2023 income year.
You can also see who has accessed your information. If you access the tax information for a person, they can see that you have been searching for them. Searching the tax lists will not be visible to businesses.
You must log in to search the tax lists. You must be 16 years or older to search the tax lists.
The list is usually updated four times a year. When you log in, you can see when it was updated on the home page. The list for businesses is published in the autumn and not updated after that.
According to the law, a log must be kept of searches in the tax lists. Having to log in makes it possible to limit the amount of information an individual can view. Logging in also allows us to make available information about who has searched for whom.
This means that you can see who has read your tax information. When you have logged in to search the tax lists, you can click on search history and see who has searched for you. You can see the name, year of birth, postal code and postal area of the person who has searched for you. The list of who has searched for and read your information, is updated hourly.
You can see tax list information for up to 500 people per month. There are differences between searches and views. When you search for a person, you will get a list of people who match your search information. Only when you click on an individual to see their tax list information, it counts as a view.
When you have 50 or fewer views left, you get a notification on the screen letting you know how many views you have left, such as: «You have 5 searches left this month”. When you have used your 500 views, the error message shows «You have reached max number of searches per month”. You can continue to search, but you cannot see the tax list information. The number of views will be reset on the 1st of each month. Searching the tax lists for businesses does not have a maximum limit of views.
The tax lists contain the following information:
- Name
- Year of birth (organisation number for businesses)
- Postal code and postal area
- Tax municipality
- Net income (ordinary income before the special allowance, net income does not include supplements to ordinary income according to section 10-42 of the Taxation Act or upward-adjusted ordinary income according to sections 10-11, 10-31, 10-42 and 10-44 of the Taxation Act)
- Net wealth
- tax
No other information is disclosed.
Please note that the figures are not necessarily final. For example, the numbers may be changed as a result of an appeal, self assessment or assessment by the authorities following an audit.
The tax lists contain information on persons and businesses who have received a tax assessment notice.
It is not possible to reserve yourself from the tax list. This applies to both the tax lists published on and the tax lists that are distributed to members of the press.
The tax list for personal taxpayers does not contain:
- information on anyone with a secret address (pursuant to the National Population Register Act)
- information on anyone where the information could reveal a client relationship
- information on anyone aged 17 or under at the end of the income year
- information on anyone without a permanent residence
- information on deceased people
The information is up-to-date at the time the tax lists are produced. Persons who receive a secret address after this date will be included in the tax lists until the next update.
The Norwegian Parliament has decided that the tax lists are to be made public. This is because the society must be able to control the tax assessment process in general, and for individuals and groups of taxpayers.
The tax lists will remain available at for a period of one year after they are published in connection with the tax assessments in the autumn.
The rules concerning distribution to members of the press are set out in section 9-7 of the Tax Administration Act.
Members of the press receive the tax lists for the purpose of journalism and sign an agreement that regulates the use of the lists. The definition of members of the press is regulated by the Media Liability Act.
Key figures for each municipality in Norway are presented in connection with the tax assessment.