If you have debts to public authorities, money owed to you can be used to settle these debts. This is called offsetting.
You’ll receive a letter from us detailing the claims that are being offset. The remaining funds after the offset has been conducted will be paid to you.
An offset can be done even if you have a payment arrangement or deductions from your income.
If you’ve already paid the claims
When you receive the letter about the offset, we’ve already initiated the offset for the claim as stated in the letter. Therefore, we have no opportunity to stop the offset. If you’ve overpaid, you’ll receive a reimbursement from us.
Appealing against an offset
You can appeal the offset if you need the funds you’re owed to have something to live on.
Your appeal will not be upheld if
- the offset occurs between claims of the same type (for example, where underpaid tax is offset against a tax refund)
- you have booked a vacation
- you have a private loan you were planning to pay off
- you intended to save the money
The information letter you receive after the offsetting will contain information regarding the appeal process.
The deadline to appeal is one month.
The deadline to appeal is one month after The Collection Agency for Child Support and Overpaid Benefits has received the payment.
The appeal must be submitted in writing, and you must include your signature. You must explain the grounds for your appeal. Remember to enclose the relevant documentation.
Send your appeal to:
Innkrevingssentralen for bidrag og tilbakebetalingskrav
9917 Kirkenes