Mark on a credit record
If we carry out an attachment proceeding or make deductions from your salary, we’ll submit this information to public registers. Credit rating agencies have access to these registers and will register a mark on your credit record.
A mark on your credit record will make it difficult for you to get new loans, credits and subscriptions, such as phone subscriptions.
How to get a mark on your credit record
You may get a mark on your credit record with the credit rating agencies if
- you’re registered with an attachment on earnings
- attachment proceedings have been held
- you’re registered as being bankrupt
- you have entered a debt settlement scheme
How to delete a mark on your credit record
When you’ve paid what you owe, the relevant public agencies will be notified. The credit rating agencies register and delete the mark on your credit record based on their access to these registers. If you wish to see an overview of the marks on your credit record, you must contact a credit rating agency.
If the mark on your credit record concerns a maintenance payment, the ongoing deduction from your salary must be stopped before we inform the public registers.
It’ll usually take some time from we receive the amount from you until the deletion of the mark is registered by the financial and credit agencies.