Online shops and e-marketplaces registered in the VOEC register

When buying goods valued below NOK 3,000 from an online store that’s registered in the VOEC Register, you'll see the total amount when you pay for the goods.

There are no customs duties as the goods are subject to a simplified customs clearance, and you do not have to wait for customs clearance before receiving your order.

Useful information when shopping from foreign online stores

If the online store you're shopping at sells their goods via an e-commerce platform, it's the platform that will be registered and displayed in the list. To find out if this applies to the online store you wish to shop from, you should contact the online store.

Search for company, country or web adress:

Tabell over registrerte i VOEC-ordningen

Is someone missing from the list?

If you know of an online shop or e-marketplace that should be registered in the VOEC register but is not on the list, you can send us a tip.