Address history

The printout of your address history shows your current address, as well as all previously registered addresses.

View information about yourself

If you want to see which information we have registered about you and children you have parental responsibility for, you can log in to My page.

Order a printout of address history

How will you receive the printout?

You’ll receive the confirmation electronically in your Altinn inbox. You can also order it on paper. Paper printouts will be sent to the address registered for you in the National Population Register. You can expect to receive the printout within a period of two weeks plus postal delivery time. You can receive the printout in Norwegian.

You can order the address history for:

  • Yourself
  • Your children who are under 18 that you have parental responsibility for
  • Anyone for whom you’ve been appointed guardian
  • A client for whom you’re acting as counsel (as a lawyer)

  • Current address
  • Previously registered addresses, with dates

You must select the option for using the printout abroad when you order the printout. You will then get it on paper with a stamp and signature.
You must send it to the district court for notarial confirmation before you send it to the County Governor for an apostille or to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get it legalised. You must include information about which country you need to use the confirmation in. Certificates and printouts that are to be used in Nordic countries do not need an apostille or legalisation.

Read more about apostilles and legalisation