Marriage certificate
A marriage certificate is proof that you're married and shows who you're married to. The certificate also contains information of the place and date of your marriage.
You’ll receive automatic confirmation
Everyone who gets married in Norway, or abroad in accordance with Norwegian law, will automatically receive a marriage confirmation after the marriage has been registered at the Tax Administration. If you're an online user, the marriage confirmation will be sent to your Altinn inbox. If you are not an online user or resident in Norway, we’ll send the confirmation to your registered address. This will normally take three working days, not including postal delivery time.
View information about yourself
If you want to see the information we have registered about you and children you have parental responsibility for, you can log in to My page.
Order a marriage certificate
If you got married before 1 October 2004, or if you got married abroad in accordance with foreign law, you must directly contact the one who officiated the wedding to get a copy of the marriage certificate.
How you receive the certificate
The marriage certificate will be sent to you on paper with a stamp and signature.
The certificate will be sent to the address registered for you in the National Population Register. Please note that the processing time can be up to two weeks plus postal delivery time before you receive the certificate.
You can order a marriage certificate for
- yourself
- anyone for whom you’ve been appointed guardian
- a client for whom you’re acting as counsel as a solicitor/lawyer
- Date of birth
- National identity number
- The names you and your spouse had when you got married
- Date of marriage
- The solemniser of marriage
- Place of marriage
The marriage certificate will be issued in Norwegian or in a multilingual version. The multilingual marriage certificate is in English, French, Norwegian, Spanish, German and Italian.
If the certificate is to be used abroad, you must send it to the County Governor to apply an apostille or to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who legalises certificates. You must include information about which country you need to use the certificate in. Certificates that are to be used in Nordic countries do not need apostille or legalisation.