Real property

You have a tax liability to Svalbard for wealth and income on real property and installations that are on Svalbard. 

Real property and installations that are not on Svalbard will generally not be taxable to Svalbard.  

If you’re also a tax resident on mainland Norway, real property outside of Svalbard will be taxable to the mainland. Any debt and debt interest must be part of the tax return there.  

Generally, a full deduction is given for taxable income to mainland Norway on mortgages and mortgage interest for real property. Any loss incurred at the time of the tax assessment for the year must be entered as deductions on future income on the mainland.  

Even if you’re not resident on Svalbard for tax purposes, you’ll still be liable to pay tax on wealth in, and income from, real property and installations with fixtures and fittings situated on Svalbard. 

Upon the realisation of such property or installations, the same rules apply as for tax liability on gain/deduction entitlement for loss on the mainland.