Simplified a-melding for paid work at home

The simplified submission is intended for those who pay salary to people who carry out work in their home or holiday property. The submission makes it easy to fulfil the obligations that an employer has towards the tax authorities. 

Use your national ID number as your employer number

In the simplified submission, your own personal national ID number acts as the "employer number" (organisation number). You must quote your national ID number when contacting the tax authorities and NAV. If you have been allocated an organisation number as a self-employed person, you must not use this number in the simplified submission.

Withholding tax

You deduct tax and pay the amount to the tax collector at the same time as you pay the salary. If you fill in and submit the notification, you will automatically be given an overwiew og what you have submitted and a customer identification number (KID) and an account number for paying the withholding tax. 

The amount you should deduct in tax (withholding tax) will be stated on the worker's tax deduction card.

If you are a secondary employer for the worker, the tax deduction card will be a percentage card. The withholding tax must then be calculated on the salary using this percentage. If you are the main employer, the tax deduction card will be a table-based card. The withholding tax deduction will be specified in the table number specified. If the tax card is an exemption card with a payment limit, then tax should not be deducted until the exemption amount has been exceeded. 

Small salary payments are exempt from the obligation to deduct withholding tax. You do not have to deduct withholding tax if:

  • The salary paid to a person does not exceed NOK 500 in a calendar month
  • The total withholding tax deduction in the calendar month does not exceed NOK 100. 
  • The salary payment to one person during the income year for work in the home does not exceed NOK 6,000.

This only applies to the withholding tax. The tax obligation itself and the obligation to submit a simplified submission is subject to other rules; see later in the brochure.

Worker must receive a copy

The worker must receive a copy of the submission. The worker must retain their copies of the submission for checking and completion of their tax return.

Your copy

Keep your copies of the submission in a safe place as documentation. The authorities’ requirements concerning salary accounting for private employers are met if you fill in the submission and retain your part for five years.

Same reporting scheme for all workers

In any one year, only one person in a household can be a private employer. You must select the same type of reporting scheme for all workers who perform paid work in your home or holiday home during a particular year. Even if the conditions for simplified submission are met, the simplified scheme is only voluntary. Other reporting schemes are explained in Salary paid over NOK 60,000. The scheme you opt for has no effect on the exemption from employer's national insurance contributions.

If your payments exceed the threshold of NOK 60,000

If a household's total salary payments during the year exceed NOK 60,000, you must calculate and pay employer's national insurance contributions on the full amount. The threshold of NOK 60,000 applies to the sum of the salary, holiday pay, sickness benefit and the value of free board and lodging. You must then retrospectively calculate employer's national insurance contributions on all salary payments made under the simplified scheme. However, you must continue using the simplified submission until the end of the year. You can create a customer identification number (KID) for use in connection with electronic payments (online banking) of employer's national insurance contributions.

You do not have to pay employer’s national insurance contributions on salary payments for the private minding or care of children under 12 years of age and of older children with special care needs. This means that the amount limit of NOK 60,000 does not apply in these cases.