Rate for:

Risk-free interest rate for shares and sole proprietorships

The risk-free interest rate is applied when calculating deductions from taxable share income, income from limited liability companies and personal income for self-employed persons.

Risk-free interest rate for personal shareholders and partners in limited liability companies, etc.

The basis for calculating the risk-free interest rate is the arithmetic mean of the observed interest rate on treasury bills with a three-month term, as published by Norges Bank. For 2020, the interest rate was 0.29 percent. To the published interest rate is added 0.5 percentage points to determine the calculation basis, which is then 0.79 percent. The basis is adjusted downwards by 22 percent, the rate for general income, and rounded to the nearest 0.1 percentage point. For the 2020 income year, the risk-free interest rate is calculated to 0.6 percent.

Maximum risk-free interest rate for sole proprietorships

The basis for calculating the risk-free interest rate for sole proprietorships is the arithmetic mean of the observed interest rate on treasury bills with a three-month term, as published by Norges Bank. For 2020, it was 0.29 percent. To the interest rate is added 0.5 percentage points. Pursuant to FSFIN 12-12-10, subsection 1, the interest rate must not be adjusted downwards, but rounded to the nearest 0.1 percentage point. The maximum risk-free interest rate for sole proprietorships is set to 0.8 for the 2020 income year.