If an employee is laid off for any period of time, you must declare this in the a-melding.
Check NAV’s service for employers
You can view the information registered in NAV’s Register of Employers and Employees (the Aa Register).
To check the information in the Aa Register, you can log into Min side - arbeidsgiver (“My page - employer”, available in Norwegian only) access to the Aa Register for employers.
See also NAV’s Veiviser for permittering (an employer’s guide to layoffs, available in Norwegian only).
Brief information concerning layoffs
Specify a layoff if an employee has been temporarily released from their obligation to work as a result of cutbacks or operational stoppages. This applies regardless of whether the employer imposes the layoff or whether the layoff is agreed.
Layoffs must be specified regardless of their duration and regardless of whether the entire layoff period falls within the employer period.
If you specify salary or benefits for an employee who is laid off, you can state this as you’ve done before, for example as fixed salary, hourly wage or other income. There is no description for salary payments during a layoff.
Is it mandatory
Yes, you must specify layoffs for all ordinary and maritime employment when an employee is laid off.
You must not specify layoffs for freelancers, contractors and fee recipients or for pensions or other non-employment benefits.
The information you must provide
When you specify layoffs, each entry must include:
Description of layoff | Always |
Layoff ID | Always |
Layoff start date | Always |
Layoff end date | Always in the month in which the employee’s layoff ends |
Layoff percentage | Always |
Description of layoff
Specify the description ‘layoff’.
Layoff ID
Lay off ID is an identifier for the lay off.
Provide a unique ID for each leave, and use this ID every time you confirm the leave. If the employee is granted a new leave at a later date, you must use a new ID. If the same ID is used several times, previously confirmed information given on this ID will be replaced with new information on the same ID.
If you use a payroll or HR system, the lay off ID will normally be generated when you create a new lay off.
Anne works for an industrial company. She was laid off from work from 1 January to 25 January. She was later laid off again from 1 May to 10 May.
A-melding for January First layoff period |
Description of layoff | Layoff |
Layoff ID | x |
Layoff start date | 1 January |
Layoff end date | 25 January |
Layoff percentage | 100 |
They also enter all other mandatory information.
This submission is unique. For the duration of the layoff, all reporting by the industrial company should follow this pattern.
A-melding for May |
Description of layoff | Layoff |
Layoff ID | y |
Layoff start date | 1 May |
Layoff end date | 10 May |
Layoff percentage | 100 |
They also enter all the other mandatory information.
If the new layoff is not assigned a new ID and the previous ID is re-used instead, this will be interpreted as a change to a previous layoff.
Work during the layoff period
You do not change the layoff percentage if the workers are performing work while they are laid off.
- Work in excess of six weeks
If an employee returns to ordinary work for more than six weeks, the layoff will be terminated. The weeks during which the employee was in work should not be included in the layoff period you specify in the a-melding. If the employee is subsequently laid off again after having worked for more than six weeks, you must specify this as a new layoff. You must then specify a new layoff ID and a new start date. - Work of less than six weeks
In the case of work or courses lasting less than six weeks, the layoff must not be terminated or graded. You must specify the combined layoff using the same ID for the entire period.
If the employee receives salary or other remuneration, you must specify their income with the appropriate income description. If you pay salary per hour, you must specify the number of hours that are linked to this money. - Fish processing and fish oil industry
Special rules apply for the fish processing and fish oil industries. In these cases, if an employee returns to ordinary work for more than twenty-six weeks, the layoff is considered to have ended.
If you sent out a new layoff notice with a new degree of layoff, you must enter the new layoff percentage and a new layoff ID in the a-melding. See the section about changing the layoff percentage.
Switching payroll system or accountant
If you switch accountant, you will often have to switch to a new payroll system as well. When you switch your payroll system, you must transfer the information from one system to another. You can do this in one of three ways. For more information, see Switching payroll system.
Layoff start date
State the first date of duty to pay the employee’s salary. The start date must be repeated in each a-melding for the full duration of the layoff.
Berit’s employer lays off its employees on 3 April. Berit works rotating shifts. 3 April is a day off for Berit, and her first work day after this is 5 April. Her employer confirms 5 April as the start date of the layoff in the a-melding for April and in all subsequent a-meldings for as long as Berit is laid off.
Layoff end date
State the date on which the layoff ends.
You can state an end date in the future if the date is known. You must then repeat this date in a-meldings until the end date is reached.
From holiday, sick leave or leave to layoff
You must not report employees on holiday, sick leave or on leave as laid off until the employer’s first date of duty to pay the relevant employee’s salary. Your first date of duty to pay the employee’s salary is normally after the completion of holiday, sick leave or leave.
If the employee is on partial sick leave or partial leave, the employer must specify the lay off only for the full-time equivalent (FTE) percentage the employee would be expected to work.
Lise is on sick leave when all the employees in the company she is working for are laid off from 1 May. On 20 May she is fit to work and was expected to start working again on this date. Her employer specifies 20 May as the start date for the layoff in the a-melding for April and in all subsequent a-meldings for as long as she is laid off.
Ola is on 50 percent sick leave when all the employees in the company he works for are laid off from 1 April. His employer specifies 1 April as the start date for the layoff and 50 percent as the layoff in April’s a-melding and in all subsequent a-meldings for as long as he is laid off. If Ola is signed off as fit to work full time during the period of full-time layoff, his employer must specify 100 percent lay off from the date Ola is fit to work full time.
Hanne is on holiday when all the employees in the company she works for laid off from 1 February. The last day of her holiday is 15 March. The employer confirms 16 March as the start date for the layoff
Example of leave that becomes a layoff
Henrik is on parental leave when all the employees in his company are laid off with a start date of 15 May.
Henrik’s parental leave ends 1 June. His employer confirms 1 June as the end date of the parental leave and 2 June as the start date for the layoff in the a-melding for June. The start date for the layoff is repeated in all subsequent a-meldings for as long as he is laid off
A-melding for May | |
Income recipient | Henrik |
Description of leave | Leave with parental benefits |
Leave ID | y |
Start date of leave | 15 April |
End date of leave | |
Leave percentage | 100 |
They also enter other mandatory information.
Income recipient | Henrik |
Description of leave | Leave with parental benefits |
Leave ID | y |
Start date of leave | 15 April |
End date of leave | 1 June |
Leave percentage | 100 |
Layoff description | Layoff |
Layoff ID | x |
Layoff start date | 2 June |
Layoff end date | |
Layoff percentage | 100 |
They also enter other mandatory information.
From layoff to a leave
If a laid off employee is due to go on a leave, such as parental leave, during a period of layoff, the latter will be terminated. The employer reports the end of the layoff at the same time as he reports the employee’s leave.
Ivan is laid off by his employer. From 20 April Ivan has a right to take parental leave. The employer specifies 19 April as the end date for the layoff and 20 April as the start date for the parental leave.
Layoff percentage
Specify the percentage that the layoff represents of the employee's agreed full-time equivalent (FTE) percentage. An employee can be either fully or partly laid off. The percentage must be specified as more than 0 (can only be used if you are deleting a lay off) and not more than 100.
Sunniva is employed in a part-time position with an FTE percentage of 80. She is 50 percent laid off from this part-time position. Specify 50 percent as the layoff percentage.
William is laid off for two days a week over the next four months. Specify 40 percent layoff if he has a full-time position (100 percent FTE).
When you must submit reports
Specify the layoff for the calendar month that the layoff concerns and repeat until the layoff ends.
Changing the layoff percentage
In order to change the layoff percentage, you set the end date for the existing layoff ID to the day before the change happened. You then create a new layoff ID with a new layoff percentage and set the start date to the day the change happened.
Ola is 80 percent laid off from 1 February to 13 July. Ola’s layoff percentage is altered from 80 to 50 percent from 15 March.
Correcting errors
These error messages apply to both layoffs and leave: |
MAGNET_EDAG-114 Invalid value |
MAGNET_EDAG-114B Invalid value for this calendar month |
MAGNET_EDAG-192 Leave percentage is missing |
MAGNET_EDAG-192B Illogical period for leave of absence |
MAGNET_EDAG-192C Invalid leave ID |
MAGNET_EDAG-231 Leave information is missing |
MAGNET_EDAG-257 Illogical start date and/or end date for leave of absence |
MAGNET_EDAG-271 Invalid value |
MAGNET_EDAG-286 Leave percentage must be between 0 and 100 |
If you have forgotten to specify the layoff or made a mistake when specifying a layoff but have not received an error message (MAGNET/EDAG) concerning this in feedback (A 03), you can correct the error in the next a-melding. You do not need to correct previously submitted a-meldings.
This concerns errors or omissions in information concerning:
- Layoff ID
- Layoff From Date
- Layoff To Date
- Layoff percentage
Example – employer has specified the wrong
A store submits an a-melding for March containing information about Nil’s layoff. It is the wrong specification. Nils is on a welfare leave.
The store provides the following information concerning incorrectly reported layoff: | |
Layoff ID | 10 |
Layoff description | layoff |
Start date of the layoff | 1 March |
End date of the layoff | 1 March |
Layoff percentage | 0 |
They also enter the other obligatory information.
The store provides the following information about Nils's welfare leave: | |
Leave ID | 20 |
Leave description | welfare leave |
Start date of the leave | 1 March |
Leave percentage | 80.00 |
They also enter the other obligatory information.
For more details concerning how to delete leave, see information below.
If you use a payroll system, please contact your system supplier if you are unsure how to correct reporting in your system.
Deleting a layoff
You can delete an erroneously reported layoff in one of two ways.
- Submit a new a-melding in which the start and end dates for the layoff are set to the same date and the layoff percentage is set to 0 percent.
Use the same layoff ID as used in the previous erroneous report(s). The Aa Register must be able to unambiguously distinguish between layoff lasting one day and an erroneously reported layoff which is to be deleted. When the start date is set as equal to the end date and the layoff percentage to 0 percent, this can be unambiguously interpreted in the register as the deletion of previously reported information. - Submit a replacement a-melding which does not include the erroneously reported layoff. You must replace all reporting periods where the layoff has been reported incorrectly.
What do we use the information for
Information on layoffs in employment is used to update the Aa Register. The Aa Register is used by NAV and other public bodies to fulfil their remit. Inaccurate information can result in parties that use the Aa Register reaching incorrect conclusions.
Statistics Norway (SS) uses the information to determine who is regarded as being employed.
Information on layoffs is transferred to the Aa Register.
Applicable regulations
These regulations are only available in Norwegian.