Changing legal gender

Applications to change legal gender are processed by The Norwegian Tax Administration (National Population Register).

You can get the application form for changing legal gender either by using the contact form above or by writing to: 

The Tax Administration
Postboks 9200 Grønland
0134 Oslo

The contact form must contain the following: 

In your request to get the application form, it's sufficient to provide the following information:

  • a statement from you that you want to change legal gender 
  • your full name  
  • your Norwegian national identity number 

We’ll send the application form to the address registered for you in the National Population Register. If you have multiple addresses, you must provide information about which address we should send the form to. 

About the application process  

Together with the application form you'll receive further information about the application process, as well as the conditions for changing legal gender. 

Who can apply? 

To apply for a change of legal gender, you must be a Norwegian citizen or registered as resident in Norway. 

To apply for a change of legal gender, you must be aged 16 or over. When the applicant is under 16, the person or persons with parental responsibility must also sign.