Application for driving permit during temporary stay in Norway
If you are temporarily staying in Norway, you can use a foreign-registered vehicle for up to two years. You must apply for a temporary driving permit for the second year.
For refugees coming to Norway from Ukraine and who have brought their foreign-registered vehicle, adjustments have been made to the regulations for the importing of and temporary usage of a foreign-registered car in Norway.
How long will you be staying in Norway?
Up to one year
If you are able to prove that you will stay in Norway for up to one year, you can use a foreign-registered vehicle without applying for a driving permit.
Up to two years
If you are intend staying in Norway for up to two years, you must apply for a temporary driving permit for the second year. You must apply within one year from the date on which you arrived in Norway. You should allow at least 14 days for your application to be processed.
More than two years
If you intend to reside in Norway for more than two years, your period of residence will not be considered to be temporary.
You must be able to document at all times that your period of residence will not exceed one or two years from the date of entry. “Date of entry” means the date on which you arrive in Norway, not the date on which the vehicle is imported into Norway.
In order for your stay to be considered temporary, you must not have resided or been registered in the National Registry in Norway for more than 365 days during the two years before you arrived in Norway.
Eksempler på dokumentasjon:
- arbeidskontrakt i Norge som er tidsbegrenset
- studieplass i Norge
- papirer som viser at du skal returnere til arbeid i utlandet (for eksempel innvilget permisjonssøknad)
- papirer som viser at du leier ut egen bolig i utlandet (for eksempel utleiekontrakt)
Dokumentene må være tidsavgrenset til ett eller to år regnet fra innreisetidspunktet ditt. Har du for eksempel inngått en arbeidskontrakt, må denne være tidsbegrenset. Har du en avtale om prøvetid, regnes ikke prøvetiden som dokumentasjon for et midlertidig opphold. I prøvetidsperioden har du derfor ikke mulighet til å bruke utenlandsregistrert bil.
Please note the following:
- At the time of your arrival in Norway and throughout your entire period of residence in the country, you must be able to prove that you are temporarily resident in Norway. This means for example that you cannot be a jobseeker at the time of your arrival.
- If your situation changes so that you are deemed to have a permanent residence in Norway, you must export or obtain customs clearance for the vehicle. However, there are some exceptions for people with permanent residence in Norway.
If you do not follow the regulations, you will have to pay taxes. You may also have to pay additional tax.
You will find the rules concerning the use of foreign-registered vehicles during temporary stays in Norway in the Regulation relating to duty-free import and temporary use of foreign-registered motor vehicles in Norway.
The Directorate of Taxes has prepared remarks concerning the regulation. You will find these remarks in the annual circular concerning non-recurring tax.