Registered as emigrated in the National Registry because you no longer have lawful residence in Norway
If you’re a foreign citizen and you no longer have lawful residence in Norway, UDI will let the National Population Register know that you’re to be registered as emigrated from Norway.
It was previously the National Registry that decided whether someone should be registered as emigrated if they no longer had lawful residence. The Directorate of Immigration is now responsible for this decision.
If you have been registered as emigrated in the National Registry following notification from the Directorate of Immigration, it is because you no longer have lawful residence in Norway. If you have any questions regarding why you have been registered as emigrated, you must contact the Directorate of Immigration.
If you believe you have been registered as emigrated erroneously, you can appeal to the Directorate of Immigration by completing the form for notification of erroneous registration as emigrated in the National Registry.
If you are registered as emigrated in the National Registry, you will continue to be registered with the national ID number and personal details in the National Registry, but you will not be registered as resident at an address in Norway. This may have consequences for your rights and obligations in Norway.
In order to be registered as resident at an address in Norway, the Directorate of Immigration or the Norwegian Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) must first issue you with a new residence permit. You must declare that you are moving to Norway again (re-immigration). See the information concerning notification of moving to Norway.