Test submission for Country-by-Country-Reporting (CbC)

The Norwegian Tax Administration recommends all reporting entities to take part in test submission before reporting. You may also validate the file format using a validation tool before submitting the file.

Altinn test environment

In order for your test information to reach the Norwegian Tax Administration, you need to submit your information to the test environment with an allocated test user.The test user has the necessary rights for submitting and reading feedback. Send an e-mail to [email protected] to receive a test user and related information.

The content of the file

The environment only contains synthetic parties. If you submit sharp data, your submitting will be rejected. Altinn does not accept zipped files either. 

These codes for MessageTypeIndic and DocTypeIndic must be used in the xml-file uploaded as an attachment to RF-1352:

  • MessageTypeIndic must be CBC401=This message contains new information. (Also in case of changes)
  • DocTypeIndic must be OECD11=New Test Data. (Since this is a test)


Feedback will be sent via the Altinn test environment. You will receive feedback in the inbox Min meldingsboks for your test user when the Norwegian Tax Administration has read the submitted data. The feedback will only be sent to the test user's Min meldingsboks.

Test purposes

Submitted test-data may be used for test purposes by the Norwegian Tax Administration and towards other participating countries, and cannot contain any sharp data about the submitter or third parties.