Guidance for virtual currency - How to complete the form RF-1159
You must enter capital/wealth and any gain or loss on virtual currency in the tax return.
By adding item 4.1.10 Tax value of other securities, item 3.1.13 Gain on other financial products or 3.3.13 Loss on other financial products, form RF-1159 - Gain, loss dividend and capital value of shares and other financial products will open.
In the form, you must fill in one line for each virtual currency you’ve owned during the year.
- Enter the name of the virtual currency in the section Navn på selskap / verdipapir / finansielt instrument (Name of company / securities / financial instrument).
- Choose Bitcoin og andre virtuelle valuta (Bitcoin and other virtual currencies) in the pull-down menu for Type verdipapir / finansielt produkt (Type of securities / financial product).
- Enter the value of the virtual currency in Norwegian kroner (NOK) in the section Formue (Capital/wealth).
- Enter any total realised gain or loss you’ve had in this virtual currency in the section Gevinst (Gain) or Tap (Loss).
When you've filled in information for all virtual currencies in the form, click on Lagre / Gå tilbake (Save / Go back).
(Click to enlarge image)
Scroll to the right to see the rest of the form.