The tax return – view, edit or submit

The tax return is an overview of your income, deductions, wealth, and debt last year. 

The deadline for changing and submitting it is 30 April.

Check your taxes

To make sure you’ve not paid too much or too little tax, you must check that the information in your tax return is correct.

The deadline for submitting the tax return is 30 April.

Log in, check and submit your tax return:

Open your tax return

What you need to do

The tax return is pre-filled with information we receive from your employer and other payers, banks and others you have loans with, and similar.

Check what you’ve received in income and paid in tax

Income could be:

  • salary from your employer
  • pension or disability benefit from NAV
  • sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, parental allowances, disability benefit and other benefits from NAV

You can also log in and  what your employers, pension providers and others have reported to us about you.

Check your loans and wealth

Check that the information about loans and wealth is correct. All Norwegian banks report all interest and other expenses paid to them and that you may claim a deduction for.

If you have loans abroad, you must check that this has been included and include it yourself if it has not.

You can get a valuation discount on your wealth. If granted, this discount will be pre-filled in your tax return.

Find out if you’re entitled to deductions

If you’re entitled to deductions, this can mean that you pay less tax. Some deductions will be pre-filled, while you must fill in others yourself.

Find out if you’re entitled to deductions in our deduction wizard

If any information is incorrect or missing from the tax return, you must make the necessary changes so it becomes correct. For example, you might have sold or bought a property, one of your children might have started at a child day care centre, or you might have started commuting to work.

Even if you’ve submitted your tax return, you can still make changes. If you do, remember to re-submit your tax return. You can change your tax returns for the last 3 years.

The deadline for making corrections and submitting the tax return is 30 April.

You can change and submit as many times as you need, even after the deadline has passed. You do not have to send us any supporting documents before we request it.

If you do not submit the tax return by the deadline, we’ll consider it submitted with the pre-filled information.

You can apply to extend the deadline for submitting the tax return. You can get a 30-day extension, and the deadline for applying is 30 April. If you’ve gotten an extension, you cannot expect to get your tax assessment in June.

Self-employed persons

If you own a sole proprietorship, you must submit a tax return, and you have to submit it online. The deadline for submitting is 31 May.

The tax return for sole proprietorships is the same tax return as the one for private individuals, but you must include business information.

Deadline and extension

The deadline for making corrections and submitting the tax return is 30 April.

If you own a sole proprietorship, you must submit a tax return, and you have to submit it online. The deadline for submitting is 31 May.

If you’re having trouble meeting the deadline, you can apply for an extension. You cannot apply after the deadline has expired, so make sure you apply early if this applies to you.

Apply for an extended deadline

Important information

This year, some groups of businesses have received an automatically extended deadline. This only applies to the tax return for the 2023 income year that you submit in 2024.

Find out more and see which groups this applies to (in Norwegian only)

Account number, underpaid tax and tax refund

In the tax return, you'll find a provisional tax calculation.

This may be changed after you’ve submitted. When you’ve submitted your tax return, we’ll go through all the information.

You’ll see whether you have to pay more tax or if you're entitled to a refund in your tax assessment.

The money will get to you faster if we have your correct account number.

You can check and, if necessary, change your account number.

What to do if you

If you receive the tax return on paper, you must check that everything is correct, make the necessary changes and submit it. You can also log in and submit it electronically, even if you received yours on paper.

You do not have to submit the tax return if there are no changes to be made.

The deadline for submitting the tax return for businesses this year is 31 May. This applies to for example self-employed persons and limited liability companies.

View the tax return for businesses

When a person dies, their address is automatically deleted from the National Population Register. 
The deceased person’s tax return and tax assessment will automatically be sent to the person who’s registered as their contact person in the National Population Register.

The contact person will be registered when the type of division has been chosen and reported to the district court.

The tax return is sent out in Mach/April and the tax assessment is sent out in August, at the earliest.

You can still change your tax return for the last 3 years.

If you’re a foreign worker who is not a tax resident in Norway, you can request an advance tax assessment so we can process your tax return before your work stay in Norway is over.

The 1-2-3 of tax in Norway

Discover the connection between the tax deduction card, the tax return and the tax assessment, and what you need to do during the year to get your taxes right.